Two hours in which you get to know our 5 Rieslings. A handful of delicacies from farmers, bakers and butchers from the region accompany the mood for the evening. Some call it aperitif, aperitif, aperitivo. Request now! INQUIRY INQUIRY Name E-Mail We would like to visit on … We would like to visit on …Thursday 1st of July at 5 p.m.Thursday 8th of July at 5 p.m.Thursday 15th of July at 5 p.m.Thursday 22nd of July at 5 p.m.Thursday 29th of July at 5 p.m.Thursday 5th of August at 5 p.m.Thursday 12th of August at 5 p.m.Thursday 19th of August at 5 p.m.Thursday 26th of August at 5 p.m.Thursday 2nd of September at 5 p.m.Thursday 9th of September at 5 p.m.Thursday 16th of September at 5 p.m.Thursday 23rd of September at 5 p.m.Thursday 30th of September at 5 p.m.Thursday 7th of October at 5 p.m.Thursday 14th of October at 5 p.m.Thursday 21st of October at 5 p.m.Thursday 28th of October at 5 p.m. Neues Feld Neues Feld Is this possible? 6 + 9 = Send